Sunday, August 5, 2012

My Second Year

So I've completed my second year of knitting, yay!!!  It has been more of challenge than the first year.  Probably because I know enough to be dangerous now. And "dangerous" is my middle name!  What can I say, I am game to try just about anything.  Dangerous = Clueless with an Attitude.

Tons of great projects: some were really successful and some, well, in the words of my dear husband, looked like brains.  All in all I have had more confidence and more satisfaction with my knitting but also the frustration seems to paralyze me (which it didn't in the first year).  I think that comes from trying to re-think something that I've run out of talent to think upon!

My husband doesn't read my blog although he says he does, but his support of my knitting really makes it that much more fun and relaxing. When we're getting ready to watch a movie or NASCAR racing, he'll say, "Hurry and go get your knitting!" He really knows me and cares about what I care about.  Gee, he's really great! /smile

So I finished a 100th project during this past year.  The wonderful lace shawl.  The thing I didn't mention when I blogged about it was that I had to tear out the lace portion multiple times and thankfully, I had used a life line every 4 to 6 rows.  What a save(s). I have pictures of the many un-knits and re-knits.

Lately, I've thrown together a few non-pattern items, granted they are mostly rectangles and you would hope someone who has been knitting a little while would know how to make garter stitch rectangles. I've started to really embrace the garter stitch.  When I first started knitting I was all about the stockinette but now, I'm a more versatile knitter. /laugh

Brown woolly hat and scarf.  This is a craft store yarn wool blend (Vitner) and it is so soft and so washable! Fantastic!  Also when I first started I was a little more of a yarn snob but no longer, again, I've changed. I started this scarf in order to teach a friend of mine to knit.  I seemed to have some yarn left over so I started the hat but then in order to finish said hat, I had to buy another skein.  Poor me...

Another little left over scarf includes the yarns from my niece's hat and mitts from Christmas.  Three strands and I used US19 (15mm) needles, CO 10 and garter stitch until the yarn is gone. She was the only one of my nieces that sent me a picture of her wearing the hat and sent me a "thanks, aunt Lori" so she gets a little something extra in her Christmas box! this thing took me a total of three hours!!!  Talk about EASY. I can't wait to make some more!

Happy Knitting, friends!