Friday, October 17, 2014

Contrary to Popular Belief

No I'm not dead.  Its been another roller coaster year! everything crazy that can happen to me certainly does happen.  So I'm just going to tuck in the crazy and think about what I've learned in knitting this past year.  Last year was neck pain and baby knitting.  This year has been "not so much." 

Again, I managed to start more than I finished.  I bought more than I could ever in a thousand years knit-up. I did finish alot of stuff though.

So let's just catch-up with the baby stuff:

For my niece Lexi's son, Ryan:

Here is his Knitted blanket, hat and the quilt I made:

So my other niece had a son also, named Jackson, here is his knits and quilt:

There's more but I'll stop with that for now because I'm going to be a Gramma!  Well, a step-gramma anyway but still, there's much to knit and sew!